Rather than attempting to start everyman from scratch and endure the initial month of warmup, I decided to use my practice at uberman and transition to everyman after a short acclimation to uberman. I believe this will be simple to do as many oversleeps of the uberman schedule parallel everyman, and will shorten adaptation to only the length of uberman, which is about 10 days. I also only have about 14 days total before school starts again.My wife was very much against me trying polyphasic and only let me because she could see it was something that I really wanted to do[...].
After a couple weeks on the schedule she got to be a huge fan of it and is now my best supporter, she gets very annoyed when I mess up my schedule and miss naps, etc. She has said many times that she has seen a complete change in me since I started polyphasic, I used to be useless in the evening but now I am alert at any time in the day and happier since I finally have time to work on my own stuff.
Also just so you know, I am a pretty long term polyphaser, I have been on the Everyman schedule for about a year and three months now.- Marcus Weidner
This time around I've decided to count days starting at midnight instead of 6am like in my previous posts. I've entered the 2nd 'day'. This point corresponds to nearing the 3rd day of my original attempt and just as I had hoped the second adaptation period is easier than the first. I haven't overslept yet (by this time I had a 3 hour over sleep originally) and I have made all of my naps comfortably in bed and on time (previously I had slightly sporadic naps and several were uncomfortable, like in a car).
Much of my excitement and textual output has been spent in irc://freenode.net/#polyphasers which is why I have not posted much information here. The polyphasic sleepers there with me are Loïc, Netopalis, Bobrobyn, and Kurou.
Note to other poly-sleepers: Dymaxion is not real! Don't bring it up if you can help it, and never paint it in a positive light. We need to work to get this 'deadman schedule' out of common usage because many newbies are attracted to it like flys to a flyzapper. They attempt it because it looks the most attractive. They fail and falsely assume that polyphasic sleeping is impossible.
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