Thursday, October 22, 2009

Same old sameold

Well, just as is typical during adaptation my schedule is thrown off once again. Poor napping conditions are hindering my ability to feel like anything I could call "adapted", but at least I'm not failing.

Naps on time, or 10 minutes late/early to try to deal with social changes. Core overslept a few times, but not more than one rem. Sticking to it is the plan.

Oh, and how about this. A beautiful model that has been doing uberman for almost 5 months. And like most people who discover polyphasic sleeping is a bit of a geek.


1 comment:

Unknown said...

Are you still going strong with your sleep schedule? Don't leave us hanging.

I just finished building a tool for polyphasic sleepers at Simple Nap. It's a free alarm clock that lets you take a nap of a predetermined length with just a click. I hope it's useful to polyphasic sleepers besides us. Like I said, it's free and just a side project.

Give us an update on your progress when you get a chance.

- Luke