Thursday, January 15, 2009


Short update, because there's not much to say. Everyman is going great, but I think my core cycles are more like 75-80 minutes long than 90 so I'll shorten my core a bit.

Lots more people in irc:// than last time, which is nice.


Thursday, January 1, 2009

Prepare to make the jump

Okay, time for an update. I did uberman from the 20th to the 29th, then began the transition to everyman on midnight of the 30th. My core is 2am to 5am, and three 20 minute naps at 10am, 3pm, and 10pm.

This uberman adaptation went so well that I can really see how messed up my original attempt was. I had the totally wrong mentality about getting my naps mostly on time vs. exactly on time, and where I was sleeping played a big role in it. This time I have gotten them all in bed and on time, and I feel much better. By the time I switched to everyman I was sleeping deeply for all of my naps, feeling rested most all of the time, and not oversleeping.

Everyman so far seems much more convenient than uberman because there is no 6pm nap, there is greater spacing between naps, and moving naps is much more flexible. I haven't moved them yet, but I can tell that uberman allows none of that, and people report everyman is more lenient.

I have had trouble getting up and staying up from my core (I start dozing off in my chair) but I have made it these three days with no major oversleeps and it's only getting easier. Switching from uberman meant that I start out being able to get sleep during the naps, but I think the core overdosed me on REMs and caused some vibrations for the rest of the sleep schedule, but they are receeding.

This next quarter I may have a problem with my physics class which runs TTH from 14:00 to 16:50, so I'll have to see how taking a 20 minute nap in the middle of class works. (I didn't have problems with it before in physics ;) )

I am only posting a little information here because most of the details get spewed into #polyphasers on There are a lot (10 or more) people on there who are also doing polyphasic sleeping. It's been really nice to have people to talk to in real time who are also figuring this out.
