Sunday, October 26, 2008

Day 9: Tables and trays to their upright positions

Finally, a 24 hour period (from 6:30 to 6:30) with no oversleeps. I ended up sleeping on the floor in my brothers' room with the alarm placed far enough away so that I would have to get up to get it. I didn't want to wake them up so that forced me to get up and turn the alarm off before it went on for very long.

Daylight savings took place right in the middle of the night, but instead of waiting an extra hour then, I delayed adjusting my clocks until after the 6am nap, which means I had a 5 hour stretch between 6am and 10am.

This is getting into Day 10, but because there was a 5 hour stretch I decided to take a 20min at the time 2 hours after the 6am and 3 hours before the 10am. This worked out to 7am new time. Unfortunately I made this decision while lying on the couch after just having watched an anime. I figured with it becoming daylight outside there can't be much else to go wrong. Yeah, I slept the 3 hours until 10am. I take it as a good sign that I didn't sleep during the night, but I still drive myself crazy with not being able to catch myself making a bad decision to sleep when I shouldn't. I'm skipping my 10am because of this.

Now, I resolve that I will not sleep any unplanned periods before our plane takes off tomorrow. I should make that resolve for the plane too, but I don't think that I would be able to keep it. I'll see if one of my brothers or my dad will be seated next to them and try to strike a deal with them.

When I was monophasic I wasn't really sensative to light or noise when I was trying to go to sleep, but I still like to be in a quiet place with a pillow over my head for polyphasic.


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