Thursday, October 16, 2008


I had decided on starting my Uberman sleep periods at 10am on Friday, but this past Sunday I was reminded that we have the "24 hours of prayer" from 9am Saturday to 9am Sunday, and I wanted to sign up for this. I don't exactly want to be beginning my fuzzy-minded period when it's time to meet... which is what would happen if I were to sign up for some time Saturday night (Dad is 4am to 5am). I don't especially want to delay starting until Saturday, and I think I will still be fine if I begin on Friday and sign up for the earliest time slot on Saturday.

Now on to things I can actually do on the trip.

As far as I know, reading will be neigh impossible within a day or three. I won't have the internet for various bits of interesting games, information, and reading, and some of the commonly mentioned activities on other ubersleep blogs will also be impossible because I won't have a place for cooking, I can't clean the house (in Mexico), and I can't build stuff. The books that I would like to read will probably put me to sleep, but I will have audiobooks, and of course my bible. I can always take the Rubik's Cube (I want to learn CFOP), and practice other forms of physiological endeavours. Of course I will have lots of music. As I've said before, writing may turn up something interesting, so long as I actually do it.

Hmm. It appears that my list of things to do has given you more to fill your time with than it has given me. I do hope that they have wireless.

Schedule for now: Find a suitable and portable alarm and finish the rest of my homework before Friday, then pack as best as possible Friday night.
